Traditional recruitment
is archaic. It doesn’t have to be.
The primary sourcing strategy of most recruitment agencies is a LinkedIn message. Overreliance on recruiting via LinkedIn has made the platform spammy, time consuming, and a disaster for job seekers and employers. Plus, the spammier it gets—the more inefficient recruiting becomes.
And yet, recruitment agencies earn 20% of the annual salary of each new hire on average. The results are diminishing—but the cost isn’t. Small businesses are phased out from the traditional recruitment process as it’s too expensive.
Recruit without bias
Even recruiters with diversity and inclusion training subconsciously screen out qualified candidates—which can affect your bottom line. Candidates with “white”-sounding names are 50% more likely to receive a callback, even though highly diverse companies are 25% more likely to experience above-average profitability. (McKinsey, 2020)
There’s more to screening bias, too. 62% of recruiters are specifically looking for soft skills, but resume screening technology frequently rejects applicants based on hard skills and keywords alone. While most resumes aren’t job-specific, 54% of recruiters will reject a resume that isn’t customized. (Career Builder, 2014)
No wonder the majority of recruiters say there aren’t enough qualified candidates. (Recruiter Sentiment Study, 2017)
the solution.
The traditional recruiting model isn’t giving qualified candidates the opportunity to be seen. Their soft skills like ambition, work ethic, social and emotional intelligence, and leadership are often overlooked.
We’re working to change that. Using powerful AI technology, Skybound aims to revolutionize the way employees and employers find the career match they seek.
By identifying soft skills, our vision is to help employers discover potential new roles for the candidate, leading to growth and opportunities for both parties.